Audio Lollipops

listen to music through your mouth

A photo of Amos Peach Recordable lollipop with music notes around it
A photo of Amos Blueberry HipHop Music lollipop with music notes around it
A photo of Amos Strawberry HipHop Music lollipop with music notes around it
A photo of Amos Blueberry Birthday Boy Music lollipop with music notes around it
A photo of Amos Peach Happy Birthday Music lollipop with music notes around it

Music Lollipop

These lollipops from Tasty sounds use vibrations from the sounds of the candy to send sound waves through your jawbone, making your inner ear hear them. So, while you enjoy the candy, you'll also hear amazing sounds or music that make candy time even more awesome!

An icon of lollipop that gets unwrapped
Unwrap the lollipop and the earplugs
An icon of a hand that presses a button for two seconds
Press the button for 2 seconds to turn on
An icon of a hand that single clicks a button
Single click on the button to pause or play the music from the tastysounds lollipop
Plug in the earplugs and take a gentle bite on the music lollipop
An icon with music notes displayed on it
Listen to your favourite song while tasting tasting a delicious lollipop
An icon of a hand that double clicks a button
Double-click the button to stop playing
A dancing and joyful woman enjoying a music lollipop

choose your combination

A pink TastySounds lollipop with peach flavor

between flavor and music

Get your own Tasty Sounds Music Lollipop and choose between the right music/flavor combination. If you really want to suprise someone, you can choose the recordable lollipop and record a privat message.

Recordable Lollipop

An icon of a hand that presses a button for two seconds
Record a sound by pressing and holding the button until the light turns on
An icon of a microphone
Begin recording a sound when the light starts flashing
An icon of a hand that presses a button for two seconds
Once the recording is completed, press and hold the button again to activate the product
PLUG IN THE EARPLUGS AND Take a gentle bite on the candy to hear the voice message
An icon with music notes displayed on it
Single click on the button to  play the message or music
An icon of a hand that single clicks a button
a dancing man enjoying music while tasting a TastySounds lollipop

Amos - Tasty sounds

Amos - Tasty sounds

Amos - Tasty sounds

Amos - Tasty sounds

Amos - Tasty sounds

TastySounds | Peach Flavor | Recordable

Listen to a self-recorded message while enjoying a delicious Tasty sounds Music lollipop with Peach flavor; the perfect gift for friends or family. This allows you to leave a personal message on occasions like Valentine's Day that only your partner can hear. The Recordable music lollipops feature bone conduction technology for up to 60 minutes of sound, enhancing the multisensory experience.

TastySounds | Blueberry Flavor | Birthday Boy

Amos Tasty sounds Lollipop Blueberry - Happy Birthday, an innovative Asian confectionery experience! These audio lollipops present a symphony of flavors and music, allowing your customers to choose between a variety of flavor-music combinations. This TikTok-trend is ideal for Asian supermarkets, wholesalers, and candy shops. They redefine the essence of trendy treats. Listen to 'Happy Birthday' while enjoying a delightful Tasty Sounds lollipop with Blueberry flavor; the perfect present for a Birthday.

TastySounds | Peach Flavor | Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday, an innovative Asian confectionery experience! These audio lollipops present a symphony of flavors and music, allowing your customers to choose between a variety of flavor-music combinations. This TikTok-trend is ideal for Asian supermarkets, wholesalers, and candy shops. They redefine the essence of trendy treats. Listen to 'Happy Birthday' while enjoying a delightful Tasty sounds lollipop with Peach flavor; the perfect present for a Birthday.

TastySounds | Blueberry Flavor | Rock Music

These audio lollipops present a symphony of flavors and music, allowing your customers to choose between a variety of flavor-music combinations. This TikTok-trend is ideal for Asian supermarkets, wholesalers, and candy shops. They redefine the essence of trendy treats. Listen to 'Rock Music' while enjoying a delightful Tasty sounds lollipop with Blueberry flavor; the perfect present for friends and family.

TastySounds | Strawberry Flavor | Hip Hop Music

Indulge in the trendsetting sensation of Amos Tasty Sounds Lollipop Strawberry, an innovative Asian confectionery experience! These audio lollipops present a symphony of flavors and music, allowing your customers to choose between a variety of flavor-music combinations. This TikTok-trend is ideal for Asian supermarkets, wholesalers, and candy shops. Tasty sounds redefine the essence of trendy treats. Listen to 'Hip Hop Music' while enjoying a delightful Tasty sounds lollipop with Strawberry flavor; the perfect present for friends and family.

Are you a retailer?

Introducing Beagley Copperman, your exclusive gateway to 'Amos TastySounds' across Europe! As the premier distributors, we offer a comprehensive selection of sweets, candies, and Asian culinary delights. Partner with us for a seamless experience in sourcing top-quality products for your business needs. Join the hype and go on a tasty adventure with our latest trendsetter, the innovative Tasty Sounds lollipops. It's not just a lollipop; it's a fusion of taste and sounds—an irresistible sensation you won't want to miss! Don't miss out on the trend everyone's buzzing about and grab your Tasty Sounds Lollipops today!

Are you a retailer and are you interested in offering Tasty Sounds Lollipops in your store or on your website? Please feel free to contact our sales department.

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